A web site is born (for real this time!)
Okay, so unless something goes horribly wrong the web site should be live now! Yippee! 🎉🎈🎊🥳
Hopefully nothing is broken except for the stuff I already know is broken! Which brings me to:
Known issues
- I have no main tags (My understanding is I should have these. However, every time I tried to add them it broke all my formatting and I couldn't figure out why)
- Text spacing's fucked (Funnily enough, this part gets fixed whenever I try to add a main tag. but then everything else breaks)
- Images in gallery display out of order on mobile (I think I know a way to fix this now. Naturally, I only learned what flexbox is AFTER I had already made all two-hundred-and-eighty-something gallery pages)
- Header and paragraph widths are WILDLY inconsistent (I could not for the life of me figure out how to allow the images to be wider while still constraining the text to the standard body width set by the CSS framework I used, so in the end I picked wonky text over tiny images)
- Sometimes the clickable area of links on images extend past where the images actually (I do not know why this is happening. Thankfully it doesn't seem to be causing any major issues with overlapping link areas or something)
All things considered, that's not so bad, seeing as I didn't really know any html or css at all prior to, like... 7 weeks ago.
Things I would like to do as soon as I figure out how:
- Figure out how to fix all that shit I just mentioned, and then fix it.
- Add light mode
- Add RSS feed
- Add character-specific galleries, and/or other sorting/filtering options
If any Computer Understanders are reading this and know the probably-very-obvious solutions to my problems and would like to steer me in the right direction, feel free to reach out lol
Anyway, Happy Birthday, Web Site!!
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